Page 12 - NAESP Principal - Nov/Dec 2021
P. 12

            Advocate                   Le g i s l a t i v e  pr i or i t i e s a n d ch a m pi on i n g t he  c a u s e

            Your Voice on Capitol Hill

                  AESP serves as your voice on Capitol
                  Hill, focusing on federal policy pri-
           N orities that aim to improve schools,
            support the principal profession, and advance
            student achievement.
            Since COVID-19 hit, NAESP has advocated
            for increased education funding through the
            American Rescue Plan (ARP), which dedicated
            $122 billion to help K–12 schools support safe
            school reopenings, boost academic recovery,   pandemic, and NAESP is pushing for funding to
            and address student mental health challeng-  address the lack of access to counselors.
            es. NAESP continually works to ensure that
            principals are consulted when decisions are   SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL LEARNING
            being made about how funding is spent at the   NAESP works with the U.S. Department of
            federal, state, and district levels.     Education to ensure that school culture, climate,
                                                     and social-emotional development support
            EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION                equity for all students. Social-emotional learning
            NAESP has long advocated for a seamless   initiatives shouldn’t end with students, though;
            continuum of learning for every child from   now more than ever, school leaders and
            pre-K through third grade. The fiscal year   teachers are burned out and need support.
            2022 budget reconciliation bill would provide
            an opportunity to bolster federal investment   PRINCIPAL PIPELINE
            in early education by covering the costs of   ARP funding enables states and districts to
            preschool for all 3- and 4-year-old children.   invest in pipelines that strengthen principal
                                                     preparation and support. Districts receive 90
            MENTAL HEALTH AND SCHOOL SAFETY          percent of ARP funds and can use the money
            NAESP partners with the U.S. Centers for   to support principal residency programs,
            Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to   job-embedded professional development,
            provide COVID-19 guidance to school leaders   mentoring and induction assistance, and one-
            as they navigate the challenges of keeping   on-one principal coaching.
            schools open safely. School-based mental   Learn more and take action by visiting
            health support is also a priority during the

            Take Action With Advocacy Text Alerts

            Advocating for the principalship and for educa-  1. Text NAESP to 52886 to sign up for advocacy
            tion as a whole is a top priority at NAESP, and   text alerts;
            we can’t do it without you. Your firsthand expe-  2. Click on the link and provide your contact

            rience is key to influencing policymakers when it   information; and

            comes to making a difference in education. For-  3. Message your legislators at the click of a button
            tunately, staying up to date on all things policy   from your phone when NAESP Action Alerts
            and advocacy in education is as easy as 1-2-3:   come in.
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